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Yeshivat Drisha

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Deep Learning, Committed Lives


Drisha opened the doors of its Yeshiva (originally in Rosh Tzurim, and now in Kfar Etzion) in August 2018, offering full-time, advanced learning to women. It has created a close community of learners who daven and deepen their dedication to Torah and mitzvot together. The mission of the yeshiva is to enable women to achieve the highest levels of Torah learning by fostering their development as talmidot chakhamim and cultivating intellectual, religious, and personal depth. 

In our unique Shana Alef program, highly motivated, post-high school young women join the Yeshiva, for a tailor-made one-year program.


Shana Alef students join the advanced learners of the yeshiva to become an integral part of our beit midrash. They experience intensive Talmud Torah at the highest level accompanied by meaningful spiritual growth. The students who join the one-year program from chutz la-aretz make up about one third of the Shana Alef group, and are completely integrated with the Israeli students who make up the majority of the Yeshiva community. North American students live and learn with their Israeli counterparts in a Hebrew-speaking environment, while being supported by English-speaking staff members. Students live in comfortable, modern apartments on Kibbutz Rosh Tzurim with kitchens and access to laundry facilities. The Yeshiva provides three meals a day to all students. American and Israeli students live together, forging close, life-long friendships.


The yeshiva's curriculum focuses on gemara, in which students study classic "sugyot yeshivatiyot" in five sedarim of iyun a week. Additionally, four weekly sedarim of bekiut are spent learning a different part of the same masechet with a chavruta from the advanced learners. Afternoons and evenings feature classes in Tanakh, Halakha, Machshava, Aggada, and Chassidut. The weekly shiur klali is often used as an opportunity to hear guest shiurim given by some of Israel's leading Torah scholar.  All courses of study include significant periods of independent learning in preparation for shiurim

Serious Tefillah

Each of the three daily sedarim of learning begins with davening together as a beit midrash (without davar sheb’kdusha). Morning seder is preceded by shacharit, afternoon seder by mincha, and night seder by maariv. Our tefillah is enriched by faculty-lead limmud before shacharit which cultivates mindful and deep engagement in davening.

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